Monday, November 30, 2009


Determination means not backing down and trying hard. Even when you fail. That's how you get better. Even the most talented people have failed. It's part of being human!

How have you shown determination in your life? Have you ever stuck with something, even when it was hard? Like, really, really, REALLY hard? If you did, then you were very determined for sure.

Every person can be determined, but it is hard. We want to give up when things get difficult. But when the going gets tough, the tough get going! Everyone, from regular people in our community to famous athletes, all show determination. Why do they do it? Because you can do whatever you say that you can do and no one can tell you that you can't. If you want something badly enough, you will make it happen. Just ask the people who know Rick Hoyt and his father.

Sometimes people say "What are you thinking, bro? You must be crazy, sis! Your body can't do THAT!" With training, you can do crazy things.

Animals show determination too. And when animals are determined, nothing can stop them!! How would you feel if you were in a cage? Would you want to get out? If you needed to climb over a wall, would you quit if it was hard? What if you couldn't move properly? Would you just sit there and sulk or would you find a new way to get around?

Some countries try to bully other countries. Canada is determined to show others that they can't bully us. When other countries try to do things that are not right, we are determined to tell them to Simma Down Now! We won't be bullied!

When people get together and are determined as a group, there is really nothing that we can't do. It took the determination of thousands of people to enable people to land on the moon. It took determination for Canada to build the mechanical arms for the space shuttles and the International Space Station. It took a great deal of determination to land rovers on Mars. And it will take even more determination for people to finally land on Mars (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5)

Stay strong, be determined, and don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. If you say you can, you'll show THEM, man!