Monday, November 16, 2009


November is Empathy month. Here is the empathy message of the week.

What does it mean to be responsible? It means to care for something, and to be able to answer for your actions. We are responsible for our behaviour toward each other. We are responsible to do our best at all times.

We all have basic human rights. This means that we get certain rights, just because we are human. We also have basic human responsibilities. We need to treat each other properly, to be kind, to help when we can, to look out for each other and to play fair.

We have a responsibility to the people in our community. We need to make sure that we take care of where we live. We have to protect our space from decisions which might have a negative impact on our lives. Some people take their feeling of responsibility very personally and sometimes to the extreme 2 3 4 5

Animals also feel a sense of responsibility to their families and community. Take a look at these super animal moms and dads.

and watch these great scenes of animal parents with Baby Animals, Mammals, Lessons, Feeding . Sometimes a predator can actually help its prey!

Since we have so much in common with our animal friends, we have a responsibility to protect them. If we take advantage and stop caring, some species will become extinct. We are also discovering new species all the time. Thousands of new species have recently been discovered in the Mekong region, Borneo, and the Great Barrier Reef.

One person can make a difference. It starts with you!

UPDATE: November 19, 2009

Premier Dalton McGuinty's office has not responded to our email yet, but ForestEthics has! Here is what they said...

Dear Rawlinson,

Thanks so much for joining ForestEthics’ Save the Bou campaign, launched in partnership with Canopy, the David Suzuki Foundation and Greenpeace. Your letter will help put pressure on the Ontario government to save woodland caribou.

We are committed to sending you timely updates on this and other ForestEthics campaigns.

As part of the ForestEthics Save the Bou community, you are joining individuals who are committed to protecting our Boreal Forest, and the caribou that live there. You'll be hearing from us periodically with updates on how our campaign is going and occasional urgent action alerts. I promise you won't get too much and it won't be too boring.

What you can do right now

Be a fan of Save the Bou on facebook:

Be a fan of ForestEthics on facebook:

Thanks again,

Corinne Ball
Online Organizer

(no, Corrine Ball is not related to Mr. Ball, that's just a funny coincidence!)